Student Center » Senior Info 2024

Senior Info 2024

We are excited to celebrate the Class of 2024!


Updated Information* for Senior Families - May 13, 2024

The following updated information was shared with senior families as it pertains to the end of the year, graduation, and all things senior.
Please continue to check your email in the coming days and weeks because we absolutely will be sending more information as things get closer to graduation.
May 30th and May 31st Senior Finals

Seniors will take their finals on May 30th and May 31st. Students should finish with strong attendance to ensure they do not miss any work or important information for their final exams or projects. In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, all seniors must pass the necessary classes needed to meet graduation requirements. Please adhere to all assignment deadlines put forth by teachers. Students who do not pass classes needed for graduation will have to attend summer school and cannot participate in the graduation ceremony on June 6th.

Monday, June 3rd -- Senior Checkout

Senior checkout is in the library. Please enter through the side doors, near the main entrance of the campus. Checkout is mandatory for ALL seniors. Even if you know you have turned in everything, you still need to attend Senior checkout. Here’s a list of the arrival times for each group:

8:30 - 9:15  A-Gi

9:25 - 10:15  Go-O

10:30 - 11:15  P-Z

Please bring the following items:

  • Charged Chromebook, charger, hot spot, etc.

  • Textbooks/calculators

  • Athletic uniforms and equipment

  • Senior Survey complete

  • FAFSA complete or opt out form complete

Tuesday, June 4th -- check in at 8am -- MANDATORY Graduation Practice (Cafeteria)/Grad Tickets

Graduation tickets will be distributed after graduation practice on June 4th. To receive graduation tickets, students must attend all mandatory graduation practices and have no fines or outstanding items that were due at Senior checkout. Each student receives 10 tickets. Students who would like to purchase extra tickets can do so after graduation practice on June 5th and June 6th  in the student store. The graduating Senior needs to be the one to purchase extra tickets.

Tuesday, June 4th - 9:45am Senior Beach Day at the back of the school (near room 57) 

Tickets are on sale in the student store. You must fill out a field trip form to attend. Tickets are $50 for transportation plus an all day wristband, or $15 for transportation ONLY. Seniors who purchased tickets for the beach day will meet at the back of the school at 9:45. Make sure you check in with one of the chaperones and board the bus. The bus will leave at 10. Once we get to the boardwalk, anyone who purchased an all day wristband will need to go with me to the season pass office where they will distribute them. You are free to enjoy the beach and boardwalk on your own. At 3:45, we will return to the designated meeting spot and take attendance. The bus will leave at 4pm, so don’t be late.

Some important reminders about Beach Day:

If law enforcement is called for any reason or if you do not check in at 3:45 and miss the bus - your parents will be called and you will lose the privilege of participating in graduation.

Wednesday, June 5th - Graduation Practice check in 8:45am at the top of the bowl

These practices are mandatory in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. If you are late you will have detention, which means staying after practice to help clean up. It can be hot on the field, so come prepared. Bring a hat, sunscreen, water and a snack. If you are wearing special shoes for the ceremony, make sure to bring them so you can practice walking on the turf and up and down the ramp to the stage. Please pay attention, so we can get through these practices as quickly as possible.

During this practice, we will run through the graduation program, when to sit and stand and then we will practice walking across the stage. 

**After practice, the student store will be open and you can purchase additional graduation tickets.**

Wednesday, June 5th - Lynhaven Visit - after practice

I talked about Lynhaven during the webinar and when I visited classes. Del Mar has a tradition with Lynhaven that we would like to keep alive. All graduating seniors are welcome to attend. After practice, please let me know if you plan on meeting me there. We will not be supplying transportation. Remember to bring your cap and gown. We will meet in their main office, where you can put on your cap and gown, then everyone will walk the halls and wave to the students.

Thursday, June 6th - Graduation Practice check in 8:45am in the cafeteria

Once you are checked in, we will line up in the cafeteria and get ready to practice the processional. We will run through the entire graduation program.

**After practice, the student store will be open and you can purchase additional graduation tickets.**

Thursday, June 6th - Graduation check in 4:00pm in the cafeteria

Seniors should come with their gown in hand and with all of their stoles, cords, etc. Once students have arrived they may not leave the cafeteria before the ceremony begins. No one besides the seniors are allowed in the cafeteria. Do not bring anything with you that you can lose or leave behind - purses, backpacks, clothing, the cafeteria will be locked after the ceremony.

Graduation Preorders
To preorder flowers, leis or clothing for graduation, please use this link:

Other Details:

  • Gates will open at 3:30pm for families to come in and get seats. Seating and parking are based on a first come, first serve basis. Parking across the street in the business parking lot is prohibited and cars will be towed.

  • During the ceremony, a professional photographer will take a photograph of each graduate once they have walked off of the stage. The order information for that professional photo is printed on the back of the graduation tickets. Parents and guests are required to stay in the audience and off the track until the recessional has been completed and all graduates are off the field. Informal photographs can be taken after the ceremony, in the quad.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected].
We are excited to celebrate your Senior!
Stacie Gardner
Activities Director